Services in Nottingham City Area

The information listed here is for information and guidance, we do not specifically endorse or recommend any service or organisation listed and cannot be held responsible or liable for any errors, omissions or consequences as a result of the information provided. We recognise that there may be other services or organisations available that are not included and we are continuously working on adding more. If you believe that there is any information that is inaccurate, out of date or have any other concerns about the content listed here, please contact us and we will investigate the enquiry, please e-mail us at, thank you.


A valuable resource from Nottingham City Council containing information for residents on services in Nottingham City. Website –


Age UK – services for older people. or call: 0115 844 0011. Website Age UK Nottingham & Nottinghamshire

Radford Care Group 0115 978 6133. e-mail Website –

Carers Hub run support groups in Nottingham City, take a look at our Support Group page for more details or contact us on 0808 802 1777

Carers in Hucknall and the people we care for – Call – 0115 953 0746. e-mail Website –

Carers Council – Allies in Adult Mental Health – support for carers of adults with a mental health condition. Contact: Carers Council – (

Deaf Carers Support Group – Self Help UK, e-mail Text 07539 77837. Website

Learning Disability Carers’ Forum, support for carers of someone with a learning disability, ensuring carers’ voices are heard. Call: 0115 852 8000  Choice Forum – The UK Learning Disability Forum

Rainbow Parents Carers Forum – support for parents who care for a disabled child. Website: Rainbow Parents Carers Forum or call: 0115 934 8451


Nottingham City Council – Support for people with specific needs. website –

The Rose Thompson Foundation (B’ME Against Cancer Support) – facebook –

Home Instead – home care services designed to offer person centred support tailored to the individuals needs. Whether its companionship, daily activities, or specialised care, trained caregivers are on hand to ensure comfort and safety in the familiarity of an individuals home. We focus on building meaningful relationships, offering not just support, but also friendship and a sense of independence in the comfort of your own home. Areas Covered – Nottingham, Ilkeston & Hucknall, Central Nottingham & West Bridgford. Call : 0115 9226116, 0115 6719970, 0115 8222222. Websites – Click here to see our brochure



Advice Nottingham (Nottingham, Broxtowe, Rushcliffe). Provides free, confidential and impartial advice on a range of issues, including benefits, debt, employment and housing. 0115 908 1523. Website –

Disability Support in Basford. Free benefits and community advice for carers on matters such as PIP, UC, Blue Badge etc – we help fill in forms as well as offer advice. Website Disability Support – Nottingham

Severn Trent – Big Difference Scheme – Help with your Water bills – For more information take a look at their website – Big Difference Scheme | Help with paying your bill | Help when you need it | My Account | Severn Trent Water


Autism Central – To book a support session or find out more visit
or email download info – About Autism Central Midlands, Autism Central Flyer, Midlands Autism Hub

Macmillan Beyond Diagnosis (in partnership with Macmillan and Self Help UK) – If you have a diagnosis or are caring for someone with cancer and want to find out more, have a chat or refer yourself for support. Call – 0115 911 1662,, Website –

Independent Age provide various publications and support for over 65s. They campaign and give advice on health and care, money, housing, feeling lonely, getting help at home, planning for end of life. Freephone 0800 319 6789. e-mail Website

Integrated Care System – Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Integrated Care System (ICS) is a partnership and collaboration that brings together NHS services, local authorities and other local partners across Nottingham and Nottinghamshire to collectively plan and deliver joined up health and care services to improve the lives of our population.  More citizens than ever need care in a range of settings, including at home, in hospital and in the community. However, care across different settings is often poorly coordinated and inefficient, leading to disjointed services that can be of variable quality. By working together as a whole system, we can address these issues and improve care for all citizens. Website – Find all the latest news on their monthly newsletters –

Emmanuel House – Support for the homeless in Nottingham. Website –

Health & Wellbeing Coach Self referral – health and wellbeing coaches support people to increase their ability to self-manage, motivation levels and commitment to change their lifestyle. For more information and to refer to this service scan the QR code on the attached flyer –

Mental Health Support in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire – Take a look at the following:- A digital Guide to Mental Health Support in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire. Advice and Support – Mental Health. Debt and Money Advice.

Mental Health Support Changes to the Text Notts service – and reminder of local urgent mental health care.
The Text Notts text service, which enabled people with mental health issues to text the word Notts to 85258 and get advice, will no longer be available from 31 August 2024.
People can still get mental health support via text message by texting Shout to 85258.
If someone texts the word Notts to 85258 after the 31st of August, they will access the national Shout service, rather than fast-track to the current Notts service. For more information about the free and confidential national Shout service please visit this website.
People in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire should access urgent mental health care using the Nottinghamshire Healthcare 24/7 crisis line (0808 196 3779), or crisis sanctuaries. Further details on these crisis services can be found on the Nottinghamshire Healthcare website.
More details about other mental health support in can be found here.

NHS Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Talking Therapies – Provide a range of support to help you improve your mood and find ways to manage. Call 0333 188 1060. email – Website

Nottalone – Local mental health advice and help for young people in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire, all in one place. website –

Nottingham Recovery Service – Providing a single point of free support, advice and treatment for people facing drug and alcohol issues in Nottingham City. Website –

Nottingham Mencap – support for people with a learning disability, and their families. Website: Nottingham Mencap  or call: 0115 920 9524

Nottinghamshire NHS Foundation Trust – community and mental health services. Website: Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust  or call: 0115 969 1300

The Rainbow Care Group – Specialist Dementia CareDementia Care Nottingham | Dementia Support | The Rainbow Care Group

Renewal Trust – Nottingham based charity which nurtures happier, healthier and more connected local communities. Working together sharing knowledge, expertise, and building relationships with communities in St Ann’s, Sneinton, Mapperley in Nottingham City and beyond. They offer affordable and accessible activities for children, young people, and families, from Mini Movers to yoga, skateboarding to football and holiday clubs to Feel Good activities and events, Job clubs, one to one support, job searching, digital access, training and residents grants to help people develop their skills and confidence to improve their employability. Address – 27-31 Carlton Road, Nottingham, NG3 2DG, Telephone – 0115 9112226. e-mail – Website –

The Rose Thompson Foundation – Bespoke Carers Support Group – Are you a caregiver, husband, wife, or partner of someone affected by cancer? The Rose Thompson Foundation have established a Carers Support Group to deliver culturally appropriate resources and a supportive community for carers. Find out more – Carers Support | The Rose Thompson Foundation ( The Rose Thompson Foundation, Christopher Cargill House | 21-23 Pelham Road, Nottingham | NG5 1APContact –

Self Help Nottingham – Supports and promotes local self help groups – 

Social Prescribing – Social prescribing aims to provide support that looks at you as a whole person, not just your physical or mental health needs. The support considers your physical, emotional, social and spiritual wellbeing. By helping you find solutions to the causes, such as support with housing, debts, finances or employment and by becoming more involved in your local community. Website –

Thriving Nottingham – Helping you to live well and feel great. Advice on Loosing weight, fitness, stopping smoking, general wellbeing. Website – Thriving Nottingham | Helping you to live well and feel great

Start making positive changes today using one of our free personalised wellness programmes. 

Trent Dementia – A charity trying to improve the quality of life for People Living with Dementia website –


Community Hub Support

Help with paperwork, forms or language barriers, The Community Support Hub can help with:-

Paperwork and Applications
Multilingual Support
Business Solutions
Insurance & Compensation
Additional Services

Website –

Tel 0115 845 0222, 07572 355 465

Disability Support in Basford. Free benefits and community advice for carers on matters such as PIP, UC, Blue Badge etc. Help fill in forms as well as offer advice. Website Disability Support – Nottingham

St. Ann’s advice centre. Support with completing benefit forms such as PIP, AA, and Blue Badge. Address: St Ann’s Advice Centre, Robin Hood Chase, St Ann’s, Nottingham, NG3 4EZ. Advice Centre Opening Times: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 9.00am to 3.30pm (closed 12.20-1.20pm). Wednesday and Friday 9.00am to 12.20pm. General Advice Enquiries: 0115 9506867. Debt Enquiries: 0115 9081530. Email: Instagram: @stannsadvice


Contact Age Uk for advice

Call free on 0800 0114 643

or visit online at

Contact Age UK Warm & Wise

Tel: 0115 8599 209


Support around energy savings and staying warm

Tel: 0115 8599 209



Community Co-Ordinators

Men in Sheds Men in Sheds is a ground-breaking project for older men. Activities include woodworking, skills sharing and socialising. Learn basic DIY skills, come with ideas for your own project or learn how to make and build a bird box. They have introduced a mixed session for both women and men.
They are based in Daybrook. e-mail – Call – 0115 920 8771. Website – Age UK Notts Men in sheds

Visiting Service, Age UK offer a Visiting Service to support lonely, isolate people aged 50 and over in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire – Call – 0115 844 0011. e-mail

Silver Pride, Age UK. A social group for older gay and Bi men. A social group which holds monthly meetings where there may be invited speakers, entertainment and discussion. Call – Call 0115 844 0011

Best Foot Forward walks, Age UK. Do you want to stay active and make new friends? Age UK run various guided wellbeing walks around Nottingham –Email: Call – 0115 896 6906.  Website –


Do you live in Nottingham City or registered with a City GP? You may be eligible for up to 100 free hours of respite within a 12 month period. – Contact us at the Carers Hub for more details – 0808 802 1777 or e-mail

Take a look Nottingham City Council website for more details –

Carefree Breaks

Short breaks for carers – contact Carers Hub for more information call 0808 802 1777 – e-mail


Young Carer support in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire provided by TuVida. Email: . Call – 0115 824 8824. Website-
