The Household Energy Survey (was the Fuel Poverty survey)
The survey is now available for residents to complete via the following link: https://www.broxtowe.gov.uk/about-the-council/consultations-feedback-complaints/consultations/household-energy-survey/
Hard copies of the survey have been distributed across the Borough at:
- Council Offices, Beeston
- Beeston Library
- Stapleford Library
- Beeston Methodist Church
- Bramcote Leisure Centre
- Eastwood Library
- CAB at Eastwood
- Kimberley Library
- There is a prize draw to win a £50 Love2Shop voucher as an incentive.
The survey will be promoted via social media and will close on Friday 31st January. - Nottinghamshire County Council hosted two Fuel Poverty Awareness sessions across the Borough in partnership with NEP and YES Energy Solutions. NEP have provided information on ‘How to Manage Fuel Poverty and Save Energy’ on their webpages available via https://www.nottenergy.com/news/how-to-manage-fuel-poverty-and-save-energy

Carers Rights Day Event
We are at the Oasis Community Centre today in Worksop for Carers Rights Day.
Our Support Workers along with professionals from Connect, Talking Therapies, Nottinghamshire County Council Benefits, NHS and our GP Health Liaison Worker are all here to provide advice and support to carers.
We are here until 1.30 today, drop in and see us, have a cuppa and a cake.
Oasis Community Centre, 2a Longfellow Drive, Worksop, S81 0DE

Hospital Discharge Checklist
As part of Carers Rights Day, here’s some useful information in the form of a ‘coming out of hospital checklist’.
If you’re caring for someone who’s had to go into hospital, it’s vital that you are consulted, involved and given the right information and support by health and social care professionals, so you can look after the person safely when they leave hospital.
For more information on this, and to better understand your rights as a carer, contact out Carers Hub team

Carers Register
It is Carers Rights Day and the perfect opportunity to highlight the services and support available to carers.
For example did you know you can be registered as a carer with you GP surgery?

Pharmacy Services in Nottinghamshire
Nottinghamshire County Council would like to hear how you access and use local pharmacy services.
The council carries out a survey of pharmacy services in the area every three years, in order to understand what is working well and identify areas that need improvement. The results of the survey help to ensure that services meet the health needs of local residents in the future.
Please take five minutes to complete the confidential survey, and encourage your friends, family and colleagues to do it too. Your input and experiences are important.
Visit the link below to provide your input before 31 December 2024.
Link to Nottinghamshire County: https://consult.nottinghamshire.gov.uk/communications/pharmaceutical-needs-assessment

Pharmacy Services in Nottingham City
Nottingham City Council would like to hear how you access and use local pharmacy services.
The council carries out a survey of pharmacy services in the area every three years, in order to understand what is working well and identify areas that need improvement. The results of the survey help to ensure that services meet the health needs of local residents in the future.
Please take five minutes to complete the confidential survey, and encourage your friends, family and colleagues to do it too. Your input and experiences are important.
Visit the link below to provide your input before 31 December 2024.
Link to Nottingham City: https://forms.office.com/e/L1LujKVvHF

Direct Payments Listening Event
Do you live in Nottinghamshire, use direct payments or have considered using them?
Nottinghamshire County Council wants to hear from you.
Please contact POhWER by emailing coproductionnottingham@pohwer.net.
OR You can contact Agata Cienciala, Co-production Officer at NCC by
email: agata.cienciala@nottscc.gov.uk or phone 0115 804 2378.

Tips for managing your energy bills
Click on the following link for more information: https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/consumer/energy/energy-supply/get-help-paying-your-bills/getting-extra-support-from-your-energy-supplier/?fbclid=IwY2xjawFnWc5leHRuA2FlbQIxMAABHdW1nfj3-7t443jYbeJ7eGkWIsj5D6_V6xZR_bSNCfYUnvpkxhZmiOgBgQ_aem_Wr3khW5YBZ56htm_REKodg

Digital Inclusion Course with Tablet on Completion!
This course is available for residents of Nottinghamshire & surrounding areas, who can travel to Nottingham for the full course duration.
Visit https://www.jobskilla.co.uk/course/nottingham-digital-skills-with-android-tablet-to-keep/ for more information

Have a voice in your local health and care services.
e-mail – nnicb-nn.citizenspanel@nhs.net
Tel – 07881 359 235
Get into hospitality with Greene King

Get into hospitality and gain industry experience with Greene King.
Call 0115 9755758 for more information

New roles at Tesco – get help with applying

Support from Nottingham College and Bestwood Partnership in job applications and interview technique
Call 0115 9755758 for more information

Free work experience in Nottingham

Free work experience in Nottingham for hands on trade skills.
For more information please email the contact listed on the poster or click here: https://volunteerityourself.org/

My Support Network is a new initiative launched to help people understand the care their loved ones are receiving in their own homes. The new initiative is a document called ‘My Support Network’ which will enable people in the community to better understand who is providing support to them.
My Support Network
My Support Network is a new initiative launched to help people understand the care their loved ones are receiving in their own homes. The new initiative is a document called ‘My Support Network’ which will enable people in the community to better understand who is providing support to them.

My Support Network is a document where relatives, carers, professionals and health care providers can put their contact information on the form and this information is then available to the person and to the other people on the form. The document will belong to the relevant person for them to keep in their own home and will be kept in a yellow folder. They can then invite anyone who supports them to add their contact information.
The document keeps information together in one place – who has visited, their contact information and helps to ensure that people receive all the help they need.
Feedback from the Newark Carers Roadshow in May 2023 was really positive.
“This would be so helpful for Mum, she lives alone and having support information in one place would be so much easier.”
“I’m just out of hospital and so many people have been, like OT’s, Age UK but I can’t remember who is who or how to contact them, this would be really useful.”
“My Dad has Dementia and this would help me and the rest of the family know who is involved in supporting him.”
If you have a service visiting your home, they may offer you a copy of the My Support Network document – if not you can ask for one or you can print one off from the NHS website – https://notts.icb.nhs.uk/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2022/04/My-Support-Network-CSR-Final-v2.pdf
To find out more about My Support Network and how it could help you, a family member or someone you support please visit notts.icb.nhs.uk/your-health/my-support-network/. Or scan the QR code below

Carers Rights Day – Thursday 21st November 2024
This year, Carers Right’s Day falls on November 21st. Carers Right Day is about raising awareness of the rights that the UK’s 5.7million unpaid carers are entitled to and to help them get the support they need. Make sure you’re signed up to our newsletter and follow us on Facebook and Instagram to stay up to date with the latest information for carers in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire.
From the Carers UK website:
“Every day, 12,000 people become unpaid carers for a partner, family member or a friend – many of whom don’t see themselves as carers, often unaware of their legal rights and what they’re entitled to in terms of support and benefits. This year’s theme is ‘recognising your rights’ – and our aim is to help carers recognise and understand their rights, and to access the support available to them, whenever they need it.
As a carer, knowing your rights empowers you with information about what you’re entitled to. This helps you feel confident asking for what you need, as well as challenging things when your rights are not being met – whether that be in the workplace or education, in accessing health or social care, or when interacting with other professionals or at home.”
For more info, click here: https://www.carersuk.org/news-and-campaigns/our-campaigns/carers-rights-day/

Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Awareness Campaign – 10 Sept – 10th Oct
The public health teams in Nottinghamshire and Nottingham will be running a public awareness campaign this autumn to raise awareness of mental health and suicide prevention.
The programme of communications and events will start with World Suicide Prevention Day on the 10th September and run until Mental Health Awareness Day on the 10th October. There are a number of ways for people and organisations to get involved. These include awareness raising (such as wearing yellow for suicide prevention on the 10th of September or wearing green for mental health on the 10th of October), social media activity, and sharing sources of advice and information with the public, service users, family, friends and colleagues.
The awareness campaign will link with and lead up to the re-launch on the 10th of October of the local NottAlone website (www.nottalone.org.uk). Many people will know NottAlone as a mental health resource for children and young people aged 0-25 years. It is now being expanded and relaunched for everyone, of all ages. Anyone, at any stage of life in Nottingham or Nottinghamshire will be able to access advice and support for their mental health through the NottAlone website.
Suicide, self-harm and mental health can be difficult topics and conversations to have. Please keep yourself safe and seek support if you need it. Support is available from the following organisations:
• Nottinghamshire Crisis Line (Open 24/7) 0808 196 3779
• Samaritans (Open 24/7) 116 123
• Text Notts (Open 24/7) to 85258
If you are at risk of immediate harm, please call 999 or visit A&E.
Nottingham and Nottinghamshire libraries will be promoting WSPD and WMHD by sharing communications, resources and their health and wellbeing book lists.
Staffed stalls have been arranged at the following libraries:
Worksop – 12th September– BCVS & Centre Place colleagues to attend.
Worksop – 13th September -Nottinghamshire Talking therapies to attend.
Newark and Sherwood – 17th September -Nottinghamshire County Council Community Health & Wellbeing Champion and Centre Place Colleagues to attend.
Mansfield Central – 19th September -Nottinghamshire County Council Community Health & Wellbeing
Beeston Library – 23rd September -Nottinghamshire County Council Community Health & Wellbeing Champion and Nottinghamshire Talking Therapies to attend.
These community-based stalls will raise awareness of local support services for suicide prevention and mental health, develop community links and provide an opportunity for people to start a conversation.
Useful resources:-
A digital Guide to Mental Health Support in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire
Advice and Support – Mental Health.
Debt and Money Advice.

DWP: Pension Credit awareness drive as thousands of eligible pensioners yet to claim
Pensioners are urged to check if they could be eligible for Pension Credit to secure the Winter Fuel Payment, worth up to £300 per household. While around 1.4 million pensioners are already receiving Pension Credit there are up to an estimated 880,000 households eligible for the support who are yet to claim. Claiming this benefit can also passport pensioners to additional help with housing costs, council tax, and heating bills. https://www.gov.uk/government/news/pension-credit-awareness-drive-as-thousands-of-eligible-pensioners-yet-to-claim–2

Radford Care Group Open Day
Alison Hill our Health Liaison Worker attended the Radford Care Group Open Day to celebrate the service and renaming of the building ‘The Pauleen Davies Centre’ in memory of the former Founder of Radford Care Group.
The event was a chance to celebrate the Service and for local organisations to share resources and talk to visitors and Professionals about the support available to them and their loved ones.
Radford Care Group Patrons Jane Torvill and Christopher Dean also joined the event to officially open the renamed centre and meet local services and those who attend the Centre.

Carers Week Celebration Event – 12 June
We had a fantastic day with carers from Nottingham City and County joining us to celebrate Carers Week. The carers enjoyed shoulder and hand massages, a drumming workshop, making their own smoothies on our Smoothie bike, bingo, tombola, crafts and games in the garden and some delicious food and refreshments. We had a fabulous selection of professionals also joining us and providing valuable information for Carers.
A huge THANK YOU to everyone involved.

Carers Week celebration – 10th – 16th June
Carers Hub, have been celebrating Carers Week with carers from Ashfield and Bulwell who have enjoyed guest speakers from NHS Talking Therapies.

Martin Lewis: ‘Chancellor – will you end the awful cliff-edge on Carer’s Allowance that means you earn 1p over £151 and you lose £80 a week?’

Social Care Awards winner

Huge congratulations to Carers in Hucknall Self Help group on receiving a Social Care Award for being the most inspiring On-Line Self Help Care group 2024 in the East Midlands. Well done!