Respite for Carers

Do you care for somebody over the age of 18 who lives in Nottingham City or Nottinghamshire County? If so you may be eligible free respite care across a 12 month period.

What they provide:
• They will speak to both the person being cared for and the person who has providing care – and invite you to talk about yourselves and your situation.

Who can they provide respite to:
• If you are caring for someone within the last 12 months of their life.
• If you are caring for someone with dementia, mental health challenges or a learning disability.
• If you are a young carer providing care for an adult?

How can I apply?:
• Call the Carers Hub on 0808 802 1777
• The Carers Hub will complete an assessment of needs with you and complete the referral form and send it to TuVida.

How to I know if my referral has been successful?:
TuVida will contact you directly to confirm.
• The arrangements & dates you have stipulated during the assessment of needs.
• How many hours you have been successfully allocated.
• When the respite will start

What if I haven’t heard anything?
You can contact TuVida on 0115 9628 920 or The Carers Hub on 0808 802 1777

Nottinghamshire County Council provide a Short Breaks service for:

  • children and young people with a disability to participate in positive activities which promote independence.
  • provide parents/carers a break from caring.

For more information, take a look at their website or contact us at the Hub

Short hotel breaks for unpaid carers, time & space to look after your own wellbeing

About: Carefree is a multi-award winning digital charity with a mission to offer every full-time unpaid carer in the UK the chance of an annual short break What you need to know: Breaks consist of 1-2 night hotel stays, plus breakfast, there is an admin fee of £33 and you are responsible for transport, food, insurance etc and you must have interim care in place for the person you look after, you can take a friend but not the person you care for. To be eligible you must be 18+ and a full-time unpaid carer (30+ hours per week) How to register: For more information or to request a referral to CareFree Breaks contact us at Carers Hub Service.

For Carers in Nottingham and Nottinghamshire.

Contact Radford Care Group

Tel – 0115 978 6133